Is Breastfeeding Leaving You Feeling Lost and Frustrated?

Here's Your Fast Track to Success!

Stop Feeling Overwhelmed and Alone — Get Expert Support & Build Confidence in Your Breastfeeding Journey 👉 All for Just $5 a Month (Less Than a Latte!).


Let's face it, breastfeeding can be HARD. You might be struggling with:

  • Latching issues
  • Low milk supply
  • Painful nursing
  • Feeling overwhelmed and unsure

You're not alone. Millions of moms face these challenges, but many give up feeling defeated and unsupported.

  • Personalized Advice

    Our dedicated IBCLCs are like having your own personal breastfeeding experts on speed dial. They're active members of our thriving online community, offering ongoing advice, answering your specific questions, and helping you overcome any challenges you face – not just during the bi-weekly live sessions, but throughout your entire breastfeeding journey.

  • Supportive Community

    Connect, share experiences, and build friendships with other moms who are going through similar situations. This supportive network provides invaluable encouragement, shared wisdom, and a sense of belonging that many moms find even more helpful than a single lactation consultation.

  • Exclusive Benefits

    Gain access to a treasure trove of resources, including provider directories, exclusive discounts on breastfeeding products, and ongoing support from guest speakers covering a wide range of baby, postpartum, and parenting topics.

Why Choose The Nurture Collective®?

Traditional solutions like lactation consultations can be expensive (often costing around $200 per session) and inconvenient, requiring travel and scheduling hassles.

Support groups can be unreliable, filled with outdated advice or conflicting information. The internet is a minefield of conflicting opinions, making it hard to know what to trust.

  • Affordable: Just $5 a month compared to the high cost of individual lactation consultations.

  • Convenient: Get 24/7 access to support from lactation consultants and a thriving online community, all from the comfort of your home.

  • Reliable: Our lactation consultants are certified professionals offering evidence-based advice.

  • Supportive: Connect and share experiences with other moms who understand exactly what you're going through.

  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    “I think all of the information that is so well written between conversations in the community, and the courses is so essential to my breastfeeding journey, and is truly unmatched from anything else I've seen anywhere online. Being able to chat with like-minded, mothers and lactation professionals has been so so helpful.“


  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    “So so grateful for this community! Breastfeeding is such an amazing journey and I definitely could not have succeeded without you ❤️"


  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    "I wish I’d had this when my baby was first born. I’ve had mastitis four times, the fourth being when I discovered this program, and it was the only time I didn’t have to rely on antibiotics. I learned so much about breastfeeding that I wish I’d known when my baby was first born!"

    BECKI F.

Don't Wait to Get the Support You Deserve!

Every day, moms in The Nurture Collective® overcome challenges, share victories, and build lasting friendships. Sign up today and start experiencing the incredible benefits of our supportive community and expert guidance.

Yes, I Want to Breastfeed with Confidence - Enroll Now!
  • Join The Nurture Collective® Today!

  • Monthly Membership Perks

    👩‍⚕️ Expert advice from lactation consultants

    👭 Community of like-minded moms to support you

    🤱 Personalized breastfeeding answers

    🎙️ Bi-weekly live Q&A sessions

    👩‍💼 Live guest expert webinars

    🛍️ Exclusive discounts & resources

    Cancel anytime


    billed monthly

    (guides are available to purchase separately after joining)

    SIGN UP 
  • Complete Pumping Guides

    Access our complete collection of guides on pumping & bottles:

    🛒 Choosing a pump
    🪠 Pump suction comparison
    ⏱️ Schedules & routines
    📏 Flange sizing
    💼 Pumping & working
    🛠️ Parts & maintenance
    ⚙️ Pump settings
    👶 Bottle feeding techniques
    🤔 Choosing the right bottle

    PLUS much more (total value $110+)


    one-time purchase



Collapsible row

What stage of breastfeeding is The Nurture Collective® designed for and what is the most common breastfeeding style of members?

The Nurture Collective® was built for pregnant women to moms of nursing toddlers looking to grow their breastfeeding knowledge but it has grown into so much more. Whether you are planning to breastfeed, looking to fix problems, or transition to weaning, you will find what you are looking for here. Our members nurse on demand, exclusively pump, supplement with formula, and breastfeed their toddlers and everything in between. But really most of them are just like you & have thought about giving up many times. They've got a LOT of experience and they way they breastfeed has changed throughout the course of their membership.

Can I cancel my membership at any time?

The Nurture Collective® is a monthly membership. We do this to help make the program accessible but also to give you flexibility as your feeding journey changes. You can cancel at any time and use your membership for the duration of your current billing cycle (although we hope you decide to stick around 😉 ).

Is this group only for moms?

Yes! We would love to have you join us – even if your baby is still in the womb. The Nurture Collective® is a safe space for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding/lactating.

Is this just for nursing moms?

While most of our members nurse (directly breastfeed) their babies, almost all of them also pump.

These days "breastfeeding" is an umbrella term for the all the various ways you can feed your baby breastmilk or feed them at the breast. While there are dedicated groups for exclusively pumping moms or exclusively nursing moms, The Nurture Collective® knows the value of supporting the mother no matter how she provides milk to her baby.

We truly believe that the most powerful support and learning comes when you are surrounded by people who can see you as an individual and can honor your unique goals & needs.

I'm already working with a Lactation Consultant or a part of a mom's group. Will this still help me?

YES. Times a thousand. The reason we made The Nurture Collective® is because…it didn’t exist. A group that is all for you. With support, a community space, and knowledge that no other group or professional can offer you. A safe space to really learn what you need to know about breastfeeding without having to look in a dozen other places to get the answers.

Don't wait another day — Get the breastfeeding support you need for just $5/month!